Wednesday 6 February 2013

Paragraph on "EDUCATION" almost 200 words

Dear Friends,
Write a paragraph on Education within 150 to 200 words:
Now i am here to help you to write a paragraph on the topic of Education.
""Education of man does not begin at school, it begins at birth. It ends, not when he graduate from the university, but at this death. Hence education is a life-long process. "Any modification brought about in the behaviour of an individual as a result of his interaction with the environment constituted learning. " The child learns through his experience. It goes on forever without any break or barrier. Thus education becomes an active and dynamic process. It is much more than schooling, memorizing or learning a prescribed syllabus. Therefore, J.S. Makenzie rightly says, "education is a process that goes on thought out life, and is promoted by almost every experience in life. " When the learner comes in contact with real situation, he utilized all his past experiences that are relevant to it and gains new experiences. Thus the child goes on reconstructing experiences throughout the whole life. Therefore, goes on reconstructing experiences throughout the whole life. Therefore, education is considered by the educationists as an active and dynamic process.""

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