Sunday 3 February 2013

How to Unblock Facebook using IP address

Facebook is one of the top social website and is mostly used by that people who are habitual and regular user of internet. but as this is social networking website so our colleges/universities even offices are not happy to see us surfing at time of studies or may be due to some other reason Facebook is blocked on network by admin. So at this time you will need a way to by pass this security and open Facebook which is blocked. So here is a trick for you to unblock Facebook.

You know there are many proxy sites may be you also familiar with them but they are not secure your administration may find you and may be he also blocked that website, so best way to Unblock Facebook  using IP address and this is safe and powerful way.

Unblock Facebook using IP:

To find  IP Address of Facebook  follow steps.
Go to Start>>Run:
Enter Following Command.
Ping –t

How to open blocked Facebook

Suddenly following window will open and some lines will be shown like below 

How to open blocked Facebook
This is IP address of Facebook now you just have to enter this address in browser where you write address before paste this IP address there and hit ENTER. That's all now Facebook will be opened in a network where it is blocked
How to open blocked Facebook

1 comment:

  1. I have best solution to access blocked facebook in my office. I always prefer "Hotspot Shield" Free VPN for iPhone because it secures my IP address from the inquisitive eyes of web spies and hackers enabling me to surf the web in complete privacy and anonymously.
